# cat tools.txt

  • Visual Studio Code - It's Visual Studio, thats basically all you need to know.
  • Sublime Text - My personal favorite text editor.
  • Kali Linux - Yes I know it's the main skiddie OS but I like it, ok?
  • Web payloads - A collection of web attack payloads.
  • KickThemOut - Does exactly that with an ARP spoof attack.
  • Blazy - Some script for loading and multi-serving images.
  • Probable-Wordlist - Just some wordlist I found useful.
  • BeeLogger - Generate keyloggers for windows machines.
  • Ngrok - Create introspected tunnels to localhost.
  • PRET - Printer Exploitation Tool.
  • Striker - Offensive info and vuln scanner.
  • Patator - It is a multi-purpose bruteforcer.
  • Demiguise - HTA encryption tool.
  • Operative framework - A info gathering tool based on fingerprint action..
  • DKMC - Don't kill my cat or a malicious payload evaison tool.
  • Dr0p1t-Framework - A framework that creates an advanced stealthy dropper that bypass most AV's.
  • Dracnmap - It's basically a lazy-script for nmap.
  • Avet -Antivirus evasion tool.
  • Eaphammer - Targeted evil twin attacks agains WPA2 networks.
  • VMR-MDK - WPS locked intrusion script for Kali Linux.
  • MITMf - Frameworks for Man-In-The-Middle attacks.
  • EggShell - IOS/macOS/Linux Remote Administration Tool.
  • Morpheus - Auto Ettercap RCP/IP hijacking tool.
  • Empire - PowerShell and Python post-exploitation agent.
  • morphHTA - Morphing Cobalt Strike's evil.HTA.
  • InstaBurst - Let's skiddy away with this Instagram brute forcer.
  • LFISuite - Totallly auto LFI exploiter and scanner.
  • Eternal Scanner - Internet scanner for exploit CVE-2017-0144 & CVE-2017-0145.
  • AutoSploit - Auto mass exploiter.
  • EzSploit - Bash script automation for MS.
  • hyprPulse - Brute force multiple accounts at once.
  • Kodiak - Library for rogorous verification of non-linear arithmetic.
  • Infoga - Email info gathering.
  • Handshake - Handshake handling for servers.
  • Fern WiFi Cracker - WiFi pentesting I guess.
  • Anonsurf - Some ParrotSec stuff that has been ported to kali linux.
  • Lalin - Remake of Lazykali so if you're lazy this is for you.
  • Enigma - Multi-platform payload dropper.
  • Arcanus - Custom payload generator/handler.
  • Hakku Framework - Pentest framework written in python 3.
  • Findsploit - It finds exploits..what a surprise.
  • NoSQLMap - Auto NoSQL database enumeration and web app exploit tool.
  • DataSploit - OSINT framework to perform various recon techniques.
  • mdk3-master - WiFi-analyze.
  • mdk3-packupd - Package update of mdk3.
  • Red Hawk - All in one tool for info gathering and vuln scanning.
  • UniByAv - Simple obfuscator for shellcode.
  • Anonym8 - ID spoofing made simple.
  • Evil-Droid - Android hacking framework.
  • Kwetza - Python script to inject Android apps with a meterpreter payload.
  • The-Eye - Simple security surveillance script.
  • Dagon - Advanced hash manipulation.
  • Sn1per - Auto pentest recon scanner.
  • CUPP - Common User Password Profiler.
  • Recon Dog - Basic info gathering tool.
  • TheFatRat - A massive exploiting tool.
  • Kali Cleaner - Cleaning script for Kali Linux.
  • Airgeddon - A multi-use bash script to audit wireless networks.
  • Cromos - Download and inject code into Chrome extentions.
  • Yuki-Chan auto pentest - Auto pentest tool.
  • Xerxes - Skiddie DoS tool.
  • Zerodoor - Cross-platform backdoor generator.
  • WiFi-autopwner - It's what the title says you dense fuck.
  • Zeus-Scanner - Advanced reconnaissance utility.
  • Zirikatu - Fud payload generator.
  • Chaos - Payload generator/remote control for windows.
  • Bully - WPS bruteforcer.
  • 4nonimizer - A bash script for anonymizing your public IP.
  • Pupy - RAT mostly written in python.